Monday, February 11, 2019

Week 2 - Memory Analysis Test

My Memory is Average?
Short Term Memory: For the short term memory test, there were a list of words you were supposed to memorize and then reproduce them without being able to reference them. Out of a possible score of 12, I scored a 7 which is considered an average capacity.

Numerical Memory Test: For this test, there were dots you were expected to connected in numerical order and eventually the alphabet was added as well. The first of the 3 tests, I scored a 95.86 which is much higher than the average of 57.01. However, for the next 2 tests I scored around the average score with the averages being 36.54 and 24, whereas I scored 40.82 and 25.

Situational Judgement Memory Test: For this test, it was meant to test your problem solving skills by giving you situations in a time based environment and you were expected to choose the best solution. There were a total of 5 questions and I got 4 right. This meant that I passed and I have good to decent judgement when determining the best solution to problems.

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